Chakra Balancing & Healing
What is a Chakra?
The word chakra (pronounced shock-ra or chock-ra) means vortex, wheel or disk in Sanskrit. There are seven main chakras located at the center of the body running up and down the spine. The best way to picture your chakras is to imagine them as spinning balls of energy and light.
What is Chakra Balancing?
Chakras need positive energy and light frequencies to function properly. When an emotional event occurs in a person’s life, the energy or feelings from that event influence the state of the chakra. If the energy is positive, the chakras benefit. If the energy from that event is negative, the chakra becomes imbalanced.
In short, our emotions have an effect on our chakras and our chakras have an effect on our physical bodies. The imbalance of a chakra doesn’t ordinarily occur in response to a single event; rather it’s the repetition of similar events without relief that eventually causes the chakra to become too closed, too open, or impaired.
How Chakra Healing Works
Chakra balancing works by cleaning and healing the chakras from old issues and negative energies. Chakra balancing is like a super-charged healing session and is an extremely powerful way to make changes in your life.
With any healing process, you may experience a clearing and find you have more energy. This can include physical detox or emotional release, it is important to note that any clearing process is temporary and will ease as your energy adjusts to the new level.
Chakra balancing is a procedure by which your personal frequency is filled with energy so you can receive life energy. Through Chakra balancing, you can make a better connection with yourself and the universal energy, which serves as a spiritual awakening.
Each Chakra session is unique and may include the use of a variety of crystals, gems, crystal pendulum, precision-calibrated tuning forks and deep breathing.
Benefits of Chakra Balancing
Clearing your Chakras will help you to release blockages preventing you from:
Manifesting your goals with confidence and courage
Erasing painful old patterns in your life
Aligning with your highest potential and purpose
Releasing fear and anxiety
Creating meaningful relationships
Having more physical and youthful energy
Clearing the result of traumatic experiences
A Glance at Each Chakra & Its Meaning
Root Chakra (1st Chakra, Red)
Is located at the very base of your body, your tailbone. This chakra responds to your feelings regarding home, money, career, and if your basic needs are met. This is your connection to your mother and mother earth. The energy at this center is concerned with the simple act of staying alive. Remaining positive and open to possibilities strengthens this chakra and allows for stability and inner strength. It governs the immune system, base of spine, legs, feet, bones, rectum, adrenals, male organs, prostate, and large intestine. Physical dysfunctions: Frequent illness, bowel disorders, large intestine, bones, teeth, chronic low back pain, sciatica, depression, lack of energy.
Sacral Chakra (2nd Chakra, Orange)
Is located between the navel and pubic bone. This chakra has to do with your feelings of deservedness and desires. Do you give yourself permission to have the things you want, allow pleasure in your life, give your body what it needs to thrive – good food, rest, fun, work, exercise? Remember too much or too little causes imbalance. This center controls our appetite for food, sex, and pleasure. It governs the lower intestine, lower vertebrae, pelvis, female organs, kidneys, appendix, bladder, prostate, hip area and all body fluids. Physical dysfunctions: Female organ issues, spleen, urinary and bladder infections, loss of appetite for food, sex, and life, chronic low back, diabetes, addictions, impotence.
Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd Chakra, Yellow)
Is located directly below sternum and above stomach. This chakra shines bright like the sun because we need to view ourselves as having self-worth, and to be proud of who we are. It is an awareness of invaluable worth, esteem, and true power. As we grow and experience life, it is how we respond to challenging situations that make us who we are and how we feel about ourselves. This chakra responds to the emotions we feel as we experience life’s challenges. It governs the diaphragm, respiratory and digestive system, stomach, liver, kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestines, mid-low back, rib cage. Physical dysfunctions: problems with stomach and liver, anorexia, bulimia, pancreatitis, diabetes, allergies, arthritis, digestive disorders, ulcers.
Heart Chakra (4th Chakra, Green)
Is located in the heart/chest area. The heart is an international and ancient symbol for love. This chakra thrives on joy and delight; it flourishes on openness, sharing, touch and connection. It contracts with pain, loss, and trauma. When the heart is open to positive energy, it’s choosing to see the love in people and the joy in all things. Negative experiences at any point in life can cause the chakra to close itself down which in time will cause physical suffering. It governs the heart and circulatory system, lungs, bronchial tubes, shoulders, arms, thymus gland, breasts, mid-upper back. Physical dysfunctions: Asthma, lung and breast cancer, pneumonia, hypertension, angina, arthritis, disorders of thymus, heart, circulatory system and immune system.
Throat Chakra (5th Chakra, Blue)
Is located at the throat/thyroid. This chakra resonates with speaking your truth. Sometimes we don’t say what needs to be said; sometimes we don’t know when we have said enough. This center will shut down from grief and unexpressed feelings such as anger and fear. It is compromised when we are dishonest, maligning, or gossip about others. We must mean what we say and say what we mean. It governs the throat, thyroid, neck, vocal cords, mouth, gums, jaw, ears, shoulders, arms, and hands. Physical Dysfunctions: Raspy throat, chronic soar throat, mouth ulcers, gum disease, TMJ, laryngitis, swollen glands, thyroid problems, headaches, neck/shoulder pain, ear infections.
Brow Chakra (6th Chakra, Indigo)
Is located at the center of the forehead. When fully activated, this chakra stimulates both hemispheres of the brain. When these two hemispheres work together they create a harmonious vision of reality, incorporating grounded logical thinking, and intuitive, imaginative experience. This chakra offers energy to question whether what we have been taught is true or false, and about using the power of mind to create our reality at physical, mental, and emotional levels. It governs the brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, face, pituitary and pineal glands. Physical Dysfunctions: Headaches, brain tumors, ear and eye problems, nose and sinus problems, learning disabilities, spinal problems, nightmares.
Crown Chakra (7th Chakra, White Violet)
Is located at the crown of your head. The opening of this chakra coincides with the time in our lives when we may have to face several difficult personal choices and external life challenges. These ultimately bring us spiritual insights and a great sense of what we are capable of and what our higher purpose might be. For many, such realizations are often seen as a form of mid-life crisis or enlightenment. It often leads us to reject what we have been, in pursuit of what we could become. This is the center where we experience and know God as an active presence in our lives, and follow His ways. It governs the cranium, top of head, central nervous system. Physical Dysfunctions: Energetic disorders, migraines, amnesia, sensitivity to light and other environmental factors, religious or spiritual discontent.
Which chakra do you need help clearing? Book your chakra Healing Session or with Soul Stylist Lauren Larsen today:
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